First tome
November 16, 2017
Third tome / part 1
November 16, 2017

Second tome


EDITED BY: Archivio Alighiero Boetti
SCIENTIFIC DIRECTION: Jean Christophe Ammann
PAGES: 432
RELEASE DATE: october 2012


The catalog is on sale at the Archive. For information:

“… I think that I place in a research situation, in the sense of an attitude of attention and curiosity that allows you to see a lot of things and a lot of fun with the world, behind whose appearances are of incredible magic: magic of words , magic numbers … ”
Alighiero Boetti

Electa published the second volume of the catalog of Alighiero Boetti that is the crucial period of his poetic conceptual maps, postal works, works in pen. These and other works created between 1972 and 1979 are the most important the artist produced and emphasize the fundamentals of his work: diversity, difference and repetition; fragmentation, mutation and profusion.
1972 was also the year at which he decides to enter an “and” between the first and last name thus highlighting the duality of his identity, the splitting twin, the otherness that is the origin of the principle of delegation, ie the split between ideation, of which the artist is the creator, and execution of the work that can in fact be made by a community of labor, a skilled labor, as in the case of the Afghan embroiderers.
A happy coincidence meant that three museums of absolute importance (the Reina Sofia in Madrid, the Tate Modern in London and the MoMA in New York) have agreed to dedicate the 2011-2012 work of Alighiero Boetti a retrospective very important, whose final stage coincides with the output of this Volume.